Friday, May 11, 2012

Digital Agency
A company specialize in digital marketing with creativity and technology.

Layout and Design:
- First impress is a very well communicating logo. It appeared in white color on black background very outstanding.
-Header with very simple icons nicely guide viewers eyes to it.
-A scrolling layout with high resolution has a huge impact to viewers.
- Use diagonal line a the cleft corner to guide viewers into the main content in the middle, also separate every page with it.
-Page uses a lot of effect to appear when the cursor move to a particular area.
-The page repeat itself so you'll never be able to stop scrolling.

-Use anchor point for each section of the page. User can scrolling down or click on the icons to get the the section they want. I found this is a very interesting way.

page uses simple fonts, easy to read, well organized through out page.
Bold and Italic style are used very effective.

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